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SMS adds Aneesa Ali to expanded retail audit team

SMS adds Aneesa Ali to expanded retail audit team

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Sports Marketing Surveys today welcomes new hire Aneesa Ali to its European team.


After earning a law degree, Aneesa turned her hand to data analytics and has acquired almost 10 years’ experience in the sector, covering reporting, data mining, analysis, and visualisation. Recent experience includes working for Toyota, Samsung, and Blackhorse Trading Ltd. She offers excellent attention to detail, and strong communication skills, including the ability to tell strong stories through data.


Aneesa joins SMS as an Audit Manager, where her skills will be fundamental to helping expand SMS’ European retail audit offering into running and outdoor sports.


SMS already operates the Cycling Market Data Service on behalf of the Bicycle Association. That programme now tracks more than a million individual product SKUs and accounts for an estimated 70% of all UK cycling related sales. In the USA, SMS manages audits of running shoes and tennis racquets, as well as a full audit of surf & skate hard and soft goods under the company’s ActionWatch brand.


Together with the existing SMS team, Aneesa will be responsible for the operation of new audits for the running and outdoor industry that are currently in the process of being launched. Working groups have been established for these programmes and initial onboarding of buyers and data providers is underway.


Aneesa added that she is eager to get started. “I’m really excited by the opportunity at Sports Marketing Surveys. Their research across multiple sports offers so many insights, and I can’t wait to work on enhancing existing programmes as well as helping the new running and outdoor retail audits make a real difference to buyers and data providers.”


In her free time, Aneesa likes to keep active, enjoying gym sessions and regular walks.


The appointment is SMS’ second in Europe in 2022, following the return of Sarah Goward in January.


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