Ireland Golf Participation 2020


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This report provides information on the number of adults on the island of Ireland playing golf during 2020, and details the level of participation in golf on full length courses, driving ranges and alternative golf venues.


Golfers are also split according to their play frequency and a range of demographic factors.


Additional questions were added this year to assess the impact of the pandemic on participation. We have provided extrapolated figures based on the full sample as well as figures based only on those who self-identified as being golfers before the pandemic for additional comparison.


The 2020 results are based on online interviews with a sample of 1,048 residents of the island of Ireland aged at least 15. The survey was designed by SMS and distributed online through our online panel partner, with strict quotas to ensure representativity to Ireland as a whole.


Sports Marketing Surveys has run the golf participation programme in Great Britain for 25 years. 2020 marks the first time the research has been run specifically for the island of Ireland.