Reports & Insights

Landmark study assesses impact of CBD oil on golf performance.

Landmark study assesses impact of CBD oil on golf performance.

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Preliminary results from a new study into the effect of CBD oil in golf have shown positive effects on injury, sleep and on-course golf performance.

The study is a joint operation with quantitative insight produced by SMS supported by shot tracking data from Shot Scope. In a field that can confuse customers, the study aims to provide independent insight into the effects of CBD on golfers’ minds and bodies. By combining interviews with participants with on-course performance tracking, the study takes a two-pronged approach to assessing the impact and value of CBD oil in golf.

CBD is a non-psychoactive substance naturally found in hemp. It is distinct from THC, which is the psychoactive chemical compound in cannabis. Darren Clarke CBD oil, which was provided to the 100 study participants is 0% THC and third-party regulated.


Richard Payne, Director at Sports Marketing Surveys, commented on the study: “It has been incredibly interesting and rewarding to be involved in such a landmark study for both the golf and CBD industries.

“It can be difficult to cut through the noise surrounding CBD, so to be able to provide consumers with credible, accurate information on the product and how it can affect their golf for the better is very rewarding.

“Initial results all but prove the high performance levels of CBD, and especially the Darren Clarke CBD product. We are excited to see what the final findings of the survey are and are looking forward to the discussion that this study will inevitably stimulate.”


Key takeaways from the ongoing study, which tests participants across a variety of demographics, include:

  • 82% of participants reported that existing injuries they had were improved or positively affected during the first half of the survey
  • 77% of participants reported that their sleep quality, calmness on the course or their recovery between rounds had improved since beginning their use of CBD oil
  • 75% of participants who struggled with injuries reported that they had fewer injury problems
  • 79% of participants reported a positive impact on at least one element of their on-course performance and off-course recovery

The next step for the study is a final survey of participants, along with analysis of quantitative golf performance data by Shot Scope, who have been tracking each participant’s on course performance throughout the duration of the survey period.


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79% of participants reported a positive impact on at least one element of their on-course performance and off-course recovery

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