Reports & Insights

June Rounds Played figures set to reaffirm post-lockdown golf boom

June Rounds Played figures set to reaffirm post-lockdown golf boom

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Early June figures from the SMS Rounds Played Monitor have shown more good news for golf courses around the country.

In May, weighted figures for the immediate post lockdown period showed that rounds played enjoyed an initial uplift of c40% year-on-year, with the South in particular recording over 50% increases year on year.

There was much discussion across the industry about whether this trend would level off or be sustained. Now, initial indications are that the post-lockdown boom in rounds played is, if anything, gathering speed rather than slowing down.

In fact, figures for June show that average rounds played across the country have risen by over 70% compared to the same month last year.

The early promise and surge in rounds played during May does not look like a flash in the pan.

In many cases, this growth has been helped by extending from two-ball only play to allow three and four balls onto the tee. In May, many courses opened for two-ball golf only to comply with social distancing restrictions, with some subsequently choosing to keep this in place following positive user feedback on the resulting pace of play.

The indicative June figures are based on a strong sample of 125 courses who have supplied data for June. The full SMS panel includes c250 courses reporting monthly data. Full and detailed results for May and June, as well as cumulative totals for the half year to date, will be available as part of the 2nd quarter report, which will be released in Early August.


Sports Marketing Surveys has operated the Rounds Played Monitor for Great Britain for 20 years. Figures are provided by SMS’ panel of participating golf clubs, and carefully checked by SMS. Participating clubs represent a wide split of regions and types of courses. Results are aggregated and shown on a monthly basis, with regional splits and historic trends included. The reports are published quarterly.

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Early indications show an average rise of over 70% in rounds played per golf course in Great Britain compared to June 2019.

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